I like to share my latest paintings in it’s early stages, it is…humbling.

It starts as nothing and has no real direction and looks, well, like not much. It only turns to something with some work, creativity, edits, frustrations, ah-ha moments, big gains, and ultimately (hopefully) satisfaction. Very much like life, wouldn’t you say?

If you enjoy watching the process and other random moments of me as I bring this one to being, you can follow along on my instagram.



Talk about a departure and out of my comfort zone!

Ok Jen, you can paint some things. Flowers, landscapes, inanimate objects…can you paint a cow?

I wanted to challenge myself and paint a living creature. Could have been a cat, a dog, maybe even a person (that’s even more out of my comfort zone), BUT…I choose a cow. A Highland Cattle to be moe precise. These beautiful and majestic creatures hail from Scotland, although they now are kept in many parts of the world. The Queen of England even brought them to Balmoral Castle, where they are still kept today.

This painting was commissioned as a gift for the holidays, but there is now doubt I will dabble further in the wildlife category in the future, I think it turned out great for my first!


“Highland”, 30” x 24”, Acrylic on Canvas, 2024

Stop on over to my recently added blog page, Jenuinely Speaking. Stories of the inspirations behind my paintings, more info on the subjects, as well as my own random thoughts.

Original Paintings by Jen Day

My paintings are largely inspired by photos I have taking during my travels. This really is a beautiful world we live in.

Miniature Paintings by Jen Day

Created with as much love of the process as my full size paintings, my mini’s are scaled to fit almost anywhere.

Picking up a paintbrush later in life than most people with creativity at their core, Jen Day embarked on journey of renewed purpose and focus that has blossomed in to a fulfilling career as an artist...